Yes, I know, my title is incredibly uninspired, but I promise that this blog will positively burst with thoughts. Sure, many of them may not correlate to one another, but a stray thought can be just as valid as a cohesive string of thoughts. At the very least, my stray thoughts have been known to amuse and confound friends, family and complete strangers. I'm absolutely sure they're laughing with me & not at me.
My family celebrated Christmas today. I'm aware we're jumping the gun by a couple of days, but I promise it was for a good reason. My sister is being forced to work Christmas Eve and Christmas. Tragic, I know. I won't go into who got what, mostly because I'm sure not one person outside of my family gives a rat's patootie. I find that I have a lot to say, but no clear direction I want to take any of it. Or, at the very least, no willingness (or perhaps bravery) to put it on my blog. Therein may lie the problem with my novel :P
I was watching Turner Classic Movies (TCM) today, and thought of something I have actually thought of before: I was totally born in the wrong decade. I belong to my grandparents' or parents' generation; at least in some aspects. My view on technology is only half as progressive as that of most people in my generation. It took me a long time to get comfortable enough with texting that I could use it on a daily basis. This blog is also the effort of many years getting used to the Internet and all her wily ways. Maybe, my life would be easier if I could be a companion to Doctor Who. Yeah, that seems like a logical solution to my problem. He could take me all throughout time and space, and I would help him in his wacky adventures. Then, I could see how I do in the past and if its really worth it to stick around for the present based upon what I see in the future. Then again, the world is going to end in about 363 days, so I suppose the question of my ability with technology is moot. I suppose I should make that my goal for my novel: get it finished before the world ends. That way, I can at least say I accomplished one of my life goals when I go.
I think my second post is the perfect opportunity to mention that I have started my collection to be a crazy cat lady. Her name is Firefly and she is a year old. She's frigging nuts, but I completely love her. Don't worry too much though, I promise to keep my Firefly posts at a minimum unless she learns to do something completely amazing, like learn to type for herself. At that point, forget the novel, because momma's gonna be making some serious TV money of her precious kitty. Mostly, however, that seems like a remote possibility as she lays on my floor licking her paws, quietly plotting the doom of all mankind. I mean...thinking about sweet kitty things, like mice and salmon.
There you are, I hope these random thoughts have satisfied you all. From the two comments I got yesterday--both from family members (don't judge me, my mom says you shouldn't)--and the fact that two other people told me they read yesterday's post, I have gotten double the readership I expected! I have also written one more post than I thought I would. As Brenda Song's character would say: "Yay me!" Okay, I'm sorry, using a Disney quote was uncalled for. Until next time...whenever that may be...have a happy morrow!
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