Friday, December 23, 2011

And here I thought I had a novel idea

So sorry for the awful pun there, but it had to be said.  I suppose I'm not off to a great start, but no one ever said a blog had to be entertaining.  In fact, I've been told that many are not.  Apologies go out into the ether about the fact that I have never actually read a blog before, let alone started one.  However, I figured that if I can't finish my novel, I may as well try my hand at blogging.  Truth be told, the title of my blog is spot-on.  I spend so much time on the Internet avoiding my novel, it just makes sense (in an extremely round-about way) to spend my procrastination on something other than Facebook and games.

As for my unforgivably punny title, I feel I should be excused by the fact that many of my awful puns are wholly unintentional.  I swear I began with good intentions.  I told my mom, "You know, I spend so much time on the Internet these days, I should just start a blog.  At least then my writing will be out there somewhere.  And, I'll call it the Procrastinating Writer!"  Needless to say, that didn't happen.  There are not one, but two blogs that already have that name.  They do not inspire a lot of confidence.  One has never been written upon and the other ended after one shining moment in 2008.  It's not like my confidence needed to be shaken at all.  Thanks so much you other anonymous a-holes!  Sorry, I'll calm down.  The thing is, I've started many novels, short stories, plays, etc. and never finished even one of them.  I've done a few short stories for school, but never anything past 10 pages.  That's why I'm so excited to have started on my eighth chapter of my fantasy/sci-fi novel.  It's given me a lot of delusions of grandeur.  Unfortunately, that's my biggest problem.  I'm first and foremost a dreamer.  It's giving any kind of action that would accomplish those dreams where I get stuck.  I'm way too easily distra....ooh, shiny!  Sorry again, where was I?  Oh, yeah, I'm easily distracted; and the Internet is most assuredly not helping. 

But, enough of my woes.  I'll try not to bore anyone to death, but I make absolutely no guarantees.  I do promise to try to write more than one blog, so I won't, at the very least, waste this blog name.  What's the point in doing that for the third time?  Thankfully, I'm off of work for another few days, so I have plenty of time to waste.  I suppose that's all I have for now though.  To all two of you who read this, thanks, and have a great life :D


  1. you need more confidence, and stay with it, it takes a lot of patience to become a writer.

  2. oh that must make me the second person to read this cool, it's about time K, i've been telling you to do this for years :P
