Sunday, February 24, 2013

Getting on the Internets

That's right, and I do mean all of them.

I've made some amazing progress on my book. I'm about ready to start chapter 28 of what I plan to be a 30 chapter book. This has prompted various flights of fantasy, all staring me as a rich and successful author. I imagine the many interviews that will take place in the next five years where I'm asked "How did you do it?" As it happens, my imagination quite fails me at that point. I think I'm waiting for some fairy godmother (or godfather, I'm not a sexist fantasist) to wing on down, hit my novel with a wand, and *POOF* -- there's my novel, finely polished and grammatically correct, with thousands of teenagers clamoring for a copy.

Somehow, even I have figured out that's not incredibly likely. I've been a good little novelist lately, and I've begun to do some research that might help me find my way into the publishing world.  I've seen several book excerts and articles that I find comforting, but there are many others that make me realize -- this novel stuff might require some actual effort.  Silly me, I thought the hard part was going to be getting the darn thing written.  Turns out, despite all my many and varied procrastination techniques, that will be easy by comparison.

So, after giving into several hours of vascilating between whining and crying, I figuratively rolled up my sleeves and got to work.  I have found various self-help books (though without my fantasy fortune I'm going to find it a bit difficult to buy them all) that should give me a kick in the pants toward the right direction.  I have even bowed to the weight of social media and finally joined Twitter.  You can find me @RampagingKelpie, trying my darnedest to stay within the character limits.

It continually surprises me how very tech-dumb I am.  While I can astound my parents and grandparents with my computer skills, I frankly just click on whatever looks viable and cross my fingers.  Twitter confuses me, and I feel like those apes from 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Confused, and a little scared.  Not of Twitter, just of looking stupid.  I mean, seriously, what are hashtags for?  Whom should I follow?  What should I Tweet about?  Is it even appropriate to capitalize "Tweet?"  See?  Scary stuff.  Luckily, I have my friend, Niki, to steer me through the reefs and bergs of Twitterpation.  Sure, she'll probably purposely lead me to one or two reefs, but if she didn't, I'd wonder what was wrong.  Then again, to get that help, I'd need to ask for it first.  Note to self (and anyone else reading this): Ask Niki for help. 

At the very least I already had this blog going, which was a sugesstion from Chuck Sambuchino from his book, Create Your Writer Platform.  Turns out, if you don't put yourself out there in the first place, it's a heck of a lot harder to find a publisher willing to take a risk.  I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but let's face it; there are millions of people who want to write the next big bestseller, and only thousands of publishers.  It makes sense that if one can't market oneself, why should a publisher want to.

Now that I'm trying to be a good little novelist, I may actually see my way to writing on a more regular basis.  Who knows, I may even find a central theme to this blog...nah, random thoughts are more my style, and they always say: write what you know.

I'll be off then, trying to finish my novel.  Have a lovely day!